This encounter can take place early in the game and may prove challenging for players who are not well-prepared. Darriwil is highly aggressive, with quick dash attacks that make him unpredictable and difficult to track in the arena. To succeed, it’s important to focus on dodging his attacks and striking only when there is a clear opportunity. Limiting attacks to one or two hits at a time is crucial to avoid trading blows with him.
Tips for fighting Bloodhound Knight Darriwil:
- Using Staunching Boluses can help reduce Hemorrhage buildup.
- The Glintblade Phalanx spell and Ash of War are highly effective against him.
- Guard Counters can be useful, but be cautious of his follow-up attacks, as Hemorrhage can build up quickly.
Melee Strategy
Darriwil is highly aggressive, and his dash attacks allow him to quickly move around the battlefield. For melee players, dodging is critical, and attacks should only be made when there is a clear opening to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
Keep Your Guard Up: While learning Darriwil’s attack patterns, it’s best to stay guarded when you’re not attacking to avoid being caught off guard by his sudden dashes. A Greatshield works particularly well, as many of his attacks will bounce off it, giving you an opportunity to perform a guard counter. However, keep in mind that even perfectly blocking his attacks will still build up Hemorrhage. To manage this, try to bait his attacks when your Hemorrhage buildup is low, block a few hits, counterattack, then retreat to let the status bar reset.
Watch for Sparks: Pay attention to specific moves like his Grinding Attack and Clawing Attack, where he drags his weapon or claw along the ground, creating sparks. These attacks leave him vulnerable for a brief moment after he finishes, giving you a good opportunity to land a few hits.
Let It Bleed: When your Hemorrhage bar fills, you’ll take 100 damage plus 10% of your total health. Early in the game, this may not be much more than a standard hit. In some cases, it may be worth absorbing the damage and focusing on defeating Darriwil quickly, rather than trying to avoid every Hemorrhage buildup.
Magic and Ranged Strategy
Ranged players may find Darriwil particularly tough due to his speed and ability to dodge attacks, making it difficult to land arrows or spells consistently.
Form a Phalanx: Darriwil’s aggression can be used against him with Glintstone Phalanx. The summoned blades will strike him as he charges toward you, dealing damage as he closes the gap. Summon the blades when you have some distance, then focus on evasion while the spell does its work. Alternatively, the Ash of War: Glintblade Phalanx can be even more effective, as it costs less FP and inflicts more Stance damage.
Fake Melee: Close-range spells like Carian Slicer or Catch Flame can bypass Darriwil’s tendency to dodge ranged attacks, as these spells are meant to hit him when he’s already nearby. This strategy requires precise timing and careful dodging to avoid taking damage while casting.
Jump and Shoot: If you’re using a bow, avoid slower attacks like Mighty Shot, as Darriwil is likely to dodge them. Instead, try jumping backward when he approaches and firing an arrow mid-air to both evade his attack and deal damage. This tactic can help you land hits while staying mobile.
Darriwil’s speed and unpredictability make him a tough foe, but with careful preparation and patience, players can overcome him and claim the rewards.
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